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Exclusive Services

This is Our Services Page.

It's a great opportunity to provide you with information about the services we provide. Double click on the text box of the service you desire. You will then be directed to a page where you can send 5 Bite Granny, Judy Peck, an email.  She will send you a reply with all the info on how to register, the times and dates available for you to pick from, and how to pay.


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try to win a FREE consultation!

WIN A FREE 15 MINUTE COACHING SESSION Tell 5 Bite Granny why you need the help Your answers will help determine the monthly winner.

Enter as often as you wish,

but you will only be allowed to win once a year.

START LIVING You're best YOU!!!



When you are at the end of your rope and ready to toss in the towel... a little shot of motivation may help you to be your absolute best over comer!


A pep talk with 5 Bite Granny has been known to provides life-changing tips that are yours alone.  Whenever you need a boost in motivation or inspiration to get things done.


It’s no secret that better mental habits yield better results! Our goal is to help motivate and inspire you in different ways ranging from crushing your diet goals or improving your communication skills to fighting anxiety, depression and addiction.


A pep talk with 5 Bite Granny offers different features topics to help you stick to a daily habit of positive thinking and encouragement.


Whether you need a boost or want to share positive changes and progress, a pep talk with 5 Bite Granny has you covered.


Topics can include:


- Motivation

- Fitness

- Self-Improvement

- Health & Wellness

- Relationships

- Spirituality & Philosophy

- Spoken Word 

- Faith





If your own recipes and good intentions for eating well don't seem to be keeping you inspired to stay in the race, you could benefit from a 10 Minute - 1 in 1 - Recipe Coaching Session with 5 Bite Granny.  As a personal 5 Bite Cooking Coach Granny loves helping people who really want to lose weight, long to get or stay physically fit, or manage health conditions such as congestive heart failure, diabetes and high cholesterol. In addition to working on the physical component of your recipe, she also partners with you to help you  make positive, lasting, healthy, as well as flavorful changes, in your diet and lifestyle. Instead of struggling to take on these challenging changes by yourself, you can work one-on-one with 5 Bite Granny to create a tailored plan that will help you set and meet your goals.

Have allergies, health issues, no teeth? So you can’t eat veggies? Don’t like yogurt? Hate eggs? A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t fit most folks. Everyone is unique. So why force yourself into a meal plan that wasn’t made for you? The 5 Bite Diet was meant to be customized for your specif needs and likes. Yes, this diet is for you!

5 Bite Granny starts by helping you see how to adjust and create delicious recipes by working with the foods you like and working around the foods you don’t.

We help you see how to build a way of eating that lasts by meeting you where you’re at and designing a plan that’s 100% unique to you. Even if you’re a picky eater or too busy to cook, we *will* help you find the perfect fit for you.


The benefits of losing weight are obvious. So why do so many of us have such a hard time getting started? And even when we do get started on a weight loss plan, why is it so hard to stick with the necessary regimen of a diet, even one without exercise? If you’ve struggled with losing weight in the past, but have failed, it might be time to enlist the help of 5 Bite Granny as your Q & A Coach.

Ready to finally improve your life? Want to wake up with a reason to be excited for the day? Who will give you tips so you can reduce your stress, find your joy, get clarity and focus? 5 Bite Granny can help, you don't have to do it alone. Create a life you love to live in, it's the only one you've got!

Feeling stuck? Not sure where to start or what next steps to take? She  can help.

Ask her any question!  She does not have 'all' the answers... but she can lead you to implement strategies that power you up.

Her life experiences and coach training have given her the tools to create effective customized coaching sessions that help people make meaningful, positive changes in their personal, spiritual, and dietary lives. 


Having had many years of business experience, health issues, and weight problems, and faith in God, allows her to combine coaching and consulting into an approach that gives you the support of a coach with the knowledge and experience of a solid, honest, and dedicated consultant. A powerful combination for leveling up your life in all areas.

You can work with her in one on one sessions, group sessions, self-guided courses, or simply glean from her website at your leisure. Check out her free resources. You can soon find her on YouTube and Instagram. She has many ways to offer you support and help you achieve the goals in so many areas of your life. 

The first step is up to you. The support that you deserve is just a click away. Schedule your call today!



In Person - Public Speaking - Soon TBA - 

Soon you will be able to engage 5 Bite Granny to inspire and empower your audience so they can take action and make changes. Invite Judy Peck, to your business, school or community center for a one of a kind talk bound to serve up a great deal of positive stuff. Your audience members will be inspired to pass on the motivation and tools they receive to give back in their own way.

By realizing their inner value, they comes to recognize that same value in others. 5 Bite Granny takes the proactive approach to combat today's social issues such of bullying, substance abuse, depression, crime and so much more from developing. She shares how a lack of self-value and confidence is at the core of most social issues plaguing society.

Her time will open up soon.

Let's Work Together

5 Bite Granny, Judy Peck, is here for you...  

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