What is (and why should you try) the 5 Bite Diet?
Let's see what the 5 Bite Diet is?
The 5 Bite Diet first hit the scene in 2007 when Dr. Alwin Lewis published his book "Why Weight Around?”
This extremely-low-calorie diet promises and delivers quick weight loss without counting calories, giving up the foods you love, or following any exercise regimen.
He realized that the dieting plan that he put his bariatric patients on that were having gastric bypasses could be provided to us you with the same weight loss results, sans surgery that reduces the size of your stomach.
Dr. Alwin Lewis has files upon files, and a personal testimony, that shouts the validity and soundness of the diet. IF followers stick to the guidelines they, you and I, can expect to lose as much as 15 pounds (6.8 kg) each week by limiting their food intake to just 5 bites per meal. You simply stick it out, after the first 3 or 4 days the hunger pains disappear, cravings diminish, and some even do it all eating Snickers or pizza!
You could start by counting the bites you take normally at each meal and snack time. Then reduce each meal and snack by 5 bites each week... making the transition easier that makes it better chance for long term success. Lack of dedication, determination and will power are the real reasons why so many fail diets of any kind! Do you relate?
Over the years, Dr. Alwin Lewis has created several products derived from the original book, including pricey one-on-one coaching packages and memberships to an online support forum geared toward helping readers maximize their weight loss success.
The 5 Bite Diet is a very-low-calorie diet promising to help you lose a lot of weight in a very short time, without surgery, special diet foods, additional pills or medicines, or counting calories, or even exercising.
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